
Someone Told Me . . .

That I should blog more. (Thanks, Regan.) Truth of the matter is that (most) everything just seems so damn negative and unsettled lately that I've not been writing much in fear of alienating my readers . . . but here goes with some randomness.

It's hotter than ten sommmmmmmabitches outside today. Most of the world is complaining about that - but me? I'm happy about it. I love the warmth, love the heat. While it may be uncomfortable for a minute when I get in my car, burn the crap out of my hand on the steering wheel and seat belt, and then try to cool it off a tad, it's worth it overall. I just miss the swimming and wish I could do more of that . . . maybe one day, if I ever move to another apartment complex that has a pool.

Speaking of moving, I've had quite the onslaught of white-trash neighbors lately. That may be due to the fact that the townhouse we live in is weekly-rented, but still - it's pretty crazy. We've been there for 2.5 years and I've already had roughly 8 different households move in and out from around our quad. I'm always especially happy to see one of the redneck families move out of there and take their four snot-nosed, screaming brats with them. . . but I'm always disappointed again when I find myself fighting for a parking place (which is entirely unreasonable considering the size of our parking lot, but not entirely unsurprising considering the negative parking ability these people have). It makes me yearn for assigned parking again, which is so wrong on so many levels.

Speaking of so wrong on so many levels, Josh did get another job about 6 weeks ago and we've climbed ourselves relatively far out of the hole that was dug in his absence of employment, but now they're closing the restaurant and there are no positions available for him to transfer close within the same chain. Off to the job hunt it is for him again . . .

But in the meantime, we've moved Jose in with us, and that's working out relatively good. We're still working out the details and getting used to someone else living in the house, but all it all it's going well. Now if Jose could get the rest of his stuff from his old apartment, I know that he could save a bit of money and get back on his feet, too, but as long as he's paying them pro-rated rent and paying us a weekly rent, it's not going to be very kosher. I think plan is that he's going to get a place with someone else in October, and Josh and I are hoping that this will help him out and us, too.

That's enough blah-blah-blah for the day. Holla atcha, boi.

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