
What do you want to know?

You see people post "Ask me one question, and I'll answer you honestly" on their Facebook or MySpace statuses. I've never posted that status myself but I've always been curious as to what kinds of questions I would get. I recently saw this put into blog format and I thought it was pretty neat, so . . .

Ask me one question. Any question. It can be a science question, a personal question, or an inquiry about my opinion about whatever topic. (Honestly I could use some more blog fodder.)

You can ask it here in comments, you can email me, or you can post it in the reply section of my Facebook post.

I look forward to receiving your questions!


  1. I believe whole-heartedly that it's 50% nature and 50% nurture.

    From strictly subjective experience, I've seen sons emerge from a perfectly healthy and loving household as sheer terrors while the rest of their family wonders what they did to cause the issue or what they could have done to correct the issue when, in fact, they did the best they could and their sons still turned out troublemakers. Also subjectively speaking, I've known the opposite - I've known truly amazing people to come from horrible environments spite all the pain and suffering they had to endure. I believe that these observations prove that one's environment (nurture) does not have everything to do with the development of one's personality.

    From a scientific viewpoint, there was a case study I reviewed while in my Psychology of Cognitive Development class where they were actually able to study twins in two entirely separate environments. Of course they were individuals in their personalities, but they also had many of the same mannerisms and would react the same way in some situations.

    Both of the above scenarios show that nurture has more than a huge part to play when determining a person's personality.

    So why do I think that nurture plays an enormous part? Because of the "success stories" - adoptions of troubled kids who turn themselves around in the right environments. Cases of previous delinquents when, surrounded by the right influences, turned their lives around.

  2. Question from my inbox:
    I heard you on the radio when you were at MTSU; did you tire of it or what? I thought you were quite good.

    Thanks foer the compliment! A few things happened actually.

    First . . . class and work happened. I had to work full-time while I was in school to support myself. That didn't help come time to have a time-slot on WMTS. As a fledgeling college student and one without seniority, I could usually only get time slots on WMTS between 2 and 4 a.m. I actually only made it into the studio a handful of times because I'd either try to take a quick nap before the show and my alarm wouldn't wake me up, or I'd try to stay awake until my show and I'd pass out right before it was time to go.

    Then . . . life happened. When I wasn't able to make the studio times I'd been given, I got extremely disappointed in myself. Along with everything else that was going on (college was a very trying time for me), I ended up just getting depressed and losing the interest in even trying to make it to the studio. By the time I'd made it to my senior year I'd had barely any time in-studio and I felt truly unprepared to go to a radio station anywhere and ask them to put me on air.

    Then . . . the industry happened. By the time I'd graduated, radio was an entirely different entity than the one I'd grown up with and had. I had strongly identified myself with a time on radio when you had to know how to segue a song and when it was important you could recite your piece without blundering through it. Instead everything had been replaced with automation. Computer programs matched songs that would segue well with one another, and digital technology made it possible for a DJ to record, re-record, and record again until he or she had gotten the take they wanted to air. Where's the challenge in that?

    I suppose that in the end I not only felt unprepared, but radio had also lost its romance. I still have times when I dream of being on-air, but to be honest a job in radio is not going to support my family at this point. Maybe one day . . .
